Friday 17 August 2018

Frostgrave - "The Living Museum"

Last night's game of Frostgrave saw two teams of warbands fighting it out in the Living Museum... 6 silent statues in the centre of the board standing guard over 6 treasure tokens. What could possibly go wrong?... Well quite a lot for my Orc team!
We drew Ulterior Motive cards before the start of the game, I had "Guess the ghoul" which brought 3 ghouls into the centre of the table... and Lizzy had "Oubliette" which brought a Minor Demon onto the table before we had even started! As the treasure tokens are picked up, the six statues would randomly come to life becoming medium constructs.
The table set up for "The Living Museum"
  After some initial good dice rolling, things went quickly down hill for my guys... in a struggle to get near the treasures, they had to take on the Demon and a Ghoul that just wouldn't go down... meanwhile Lizzy's spellcasters  managed to use telekinesis to extract some of the treasures from the centre - at the same time activating living statues to come and engage my soldiers...

  I managed to get two treasures off the board... and kill one of the statues... in a hard messy fight my soldiers got entangled with 3 of the statues at once - but then lizzy's wizard blasted the whole lot with an elemental ball - causing a bloomin' load of damage. In the end I managed to get two treasures off the board... and kill one of the statues and the Demon...  I had four knocked out soldiers (one badly wounded). Lizzy managed to finish off 2 ghouls and 5 statues (after I had weakened some of them!) before disappearing back off the table to her dingy laboratory to peruse her magical loot! Neither of us completed our Ulterior motives...

The Demon taking on some of my soldiers...

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