Tuesday 26 February 2019

Evening Sky

I forgot I took this one just before Christmas... from our front doorstep looking North.

FROSTGRAVE - "The Complex Temple"

February's game of Frostgrave was the last scenario from the main rulebook - "The Complex Temple"... Our Wizards are both now around level 20 - 25, so spells are getting a lot easier..& Lizzy brought a Demon with her this time...

We are going to have a go at the scenarios from the Frostgrave Folio expansion book next - they are designed to be more focused on the non-magic users of the warbands, specifically the Captains... so that should be interesting...

Derbyshire Mist

We went for a 5 mile round walk on Sunday, Baslow via Pilsley, Edensor and Chatsworth... the first half of the walk was very atmospheric in the mist....

FROSTGRAVE - "The Keep" Scenario

Last months' Frostgrave game was "The Keep" from the main rulebook...