Tuesday 28 May 2019

Frostgrave - The Pits of Null

A couple of weeks ago we played through "The Pits of Null" scenario from the Frostgrave Folio... There were five null pits on the table...and some Nullmen... Anyone touching the pits is immune to magic, but also cannot use magic... The Nullmen are attracted to the most powerful magic user (which was mostly Lizzy's wizard for this scenario)...every turn another Nullman appeared... we were using Ulterior Motive cards, I had "Soul Drain" and Lizzy had "The Drawing Knife".... we had a couple of wandering monsters - a Vampire and some Snakemen...
This was a very interesting game. The anti-magic pits and the Nullmen really added a fun element. Lizzy completed her objective by removing a magic dagger from a statue... my objective however was a lot more dramatic... I opened a magic trapdoor towards the end of the game and every figure on the board had to succeed a high Will roll or be moved towards the trap a number of inches equal to the number they failed their roll by, and if they ended up touching the trap they were reduced to zero health immediately!! - A bunch of figures were sucked into the trap - monsters and warband members!!

This was the last of the three scenarios from the "Sellsword" section of the Frostgrave Folio. I really enjoyed all of them, they effected our usual tactics in very interesting ways.
We have decide that we will conclude the adventures of our current warbands for now by playing through the "Ravages of Time" semi-cooperative" mini campaign that is at the back of the Frostgrave Folio.... and then we will be starting again with fresh new wizards and warbands to play through the "Thaw of the Lich Lord" big campaign...

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