Tuesday 12 June 2018

Hammerhead 2018...

This is the second time I've attended the HAMMERHEAD wargames show at Newark Showground. It is a fun day out, there is loads to see and do, and every game there is a participation game, so you can have a go at all kinds of interesting games, from small skirmishes to giant sea battles! I didn't take many photos whilst I was there, but there is an excellent video that the guys from Wargames Illustrated did to give you an idea of what was going on - check it out on their facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/WargamesIllustrated/videos/1729592130468842/
(you can see me playing Frostgrave with a nice chap from the Chesterfield Open Gaming Society at around 5mins40secs if you don't blink!)
I had a great game of Frostgrave on a fantastic dungeon table made from "Hirst Arts" molds... absolutely excellent. The Chesterfield guys play Frostgrave regularly on Mondays... not a good day for me unfortunately or I'd be over there all the time....
C.O.G.S. fantastic Frostgrave table

C.O.G.S. table for Kobolds and Coblestones...

The C.O.G.S. dungeon - absolutely superb!

The warband I chose to enter the dungeon with...

Some interesting constructs - excellent idea!

Some beautifully painted 100 years war 15mm figures from Donnington Miniatures

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